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30 Jul Items( 10,014 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Face of the Mountain. Sightstone. Vision Ward. Righteous Glory. Locket of the Iron Solari. Boots of. Trundle. WIN 38.38 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Jul 27, @ 02:45 AI Reeker, 18, 10 / 7 / 9, 17.8K. trundle · FnaticYellOwStaR, 16, 3 / 4 / 16, 12.4K. ekko. 8 Aug Items( 14,484 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only). Blade of the Ruined King. Mercury's Treads. Spirit Visage. Warden's.12 Jul Items( 7,967 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Crystalline Flask. Ravenous Hydra ( Melee Only). Doran's Blade. Enchantment: Homeguard. Phage. Trundle. Kev1n. Won. 3 / 3 / 1. 8.3K. Health Potion. Doran's Blade. Blade of the Ruined King. Chain Vest. Ninja Tabi. Giant's Belt. Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket).
Trundle. WIN 55.20 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Jul 28, @ 06:51 Purple Team (56/40/133)Level, KDA, Summoner Spells, Final Items, Gold. trundle. 26 Aug Trundle. LOSS 37.33 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Aug 26, @ 15: 10 / 12 / 15, 12.4K. trundle. GIANTS Nietzsche, 15, 6 / 10 / 11, 12.3K. 3 Aug Items( 12,827 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only). Blade of the Ruined King. Spirit Visage. Mercury's Treads
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