6 Aug Blue Team (17/20/33)Level, KDA, Summoner Spells, Final Items, Gold. sivir · IMG Steeelb4ckv2, 15, 5 / 4 / 4, 11.7K. trundle. Casker, 13, 5 / 5 / 6. 25 May Items( 10,170 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only). Randuin's Omen. Crystalline Flask. Phage. Mercury's Treads. Warding. Trundle. WIN 39.13 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Jan 08, @ 03:51. Winning Team: Blue Team Game Length: 39 minutes. Trundle. WIN 20.47 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Jan 20, @ 10:40. Winning Team: Blue Team Game Length: 20 minutes. 5 Jul Trundle. LOSS 22.72 minutes. Ranked Solo Queue. Jul 05, @ 08: 10, 2 / 5 / 2, 6.6K. janna. yoeFW SwordArT, 10, 2 / 5 / 3, 4.9K. trundle.
6 May Items( 9,744 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Enchantment: Cinderhulk. Ninja Tabi. Righteous Glory. The Black Cleaver. Sweeping Lens (Trinket). Trundle Build Guide - Jungle - by Crs IWillDominate by IWDominate. +0 620,095 Views · Trundle Build Guide - Top Lane by Quas by drquas Pro Builds. 30 Apr This build guide for Trundle is for top lane and is by Quas, a Challenger tier player on League of Legends and current Top Laner of Team.
10 Sep Items( 8,975 Gold Earned ). Final Items. Locket of the Iron Solari. Boots of Mobility. Zeke's Harbinger. Sightstone. Oracle's Lens (Trinket). 29 Dec This Build Guide is for Trundle being played in the Jungle. This guide shows how Trundle can be played as a disruptive fighter with high.
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